Tuesday, December 29, 2015

A Walk in the Woods

A Walk in the Woods
By Bill Bryson
The Granddaddy of all HIKES" - The Appalachian Trail.. 2,200 miles...
This book was quite delightful. His memoir of attempting this hiking feat with a friend is detailed and hilariously funny!  It is interspersed with tons of facts, statistics, and history of the trail itself, The National Forest Service is a big theme in this book, tourism, animals, and also quaint little lodging towns along the way.
For instance there is a town, just off the trail, (an old coal mining town). It has been burning under the surface for years and years.. so much so that the town was evacuated.  It is a ghost town now, and the ground is still smoking.  Geologists suspect it will burn for many more years!! I find stories like that so interesting!!!
But, put aside all those little side stories and think about the majestic beauty of nature he definitely saw along the way and how literally breathtaking it must of been! ... I will say it again.. it was delightful.!!  Oh how I LOVE the mountains! The way they look, the way they smell, the way they make you feel so insignifigant!
One description in the book, (when he describes an encounter with a moose) I felt immediate recognition of because I felt like I had that same experience a couple weeks before at a friend's cabin
"....we stared at each other for a good minute, neither of us sure what to do. There was a certain obvious and gratifying tang of adventure in this, but also something much more low-key and elemental---a kind of respectful mutual acknowledgment that comes with sustained eye contact. It was this that was unexpectedly thrilling--- the sense that there was in some small measure a salute in our cautious mutual appraisal. I was smitten"
Another fun part of the book is all of the different characters they meet along the way. People attempt to hike this trail all the time, and there is little shelters built along the way for people to sleep under.  You get to know these people and their backstories, and that was fun to read about.
 Bill Bryson is a very funny author and this book is full of his type of humor. Some may find it a little raunchy, but none of it really bothered me. A really great read! The book was just made into a movie this year starring Robert Redford and Nick Nolte. I was not super pleased with the movie, but delighted in this story of the majestic wonder of our planet.  

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Bird Box

Bird Box
By Josh Malerman
      I love a good thriller! Who doesn't like being scared and jumping at every little sound ? And I really enjoyed this book! He writes suspense very well. Like those old Hollywood movies. I don't need alot of gore to be scared. The possibilty of what could be there is enough to make you shiver and jump at every noise. 
     Something is causing the world to go crazy, something is causing humanity to kill each other, something is out there and it is causing FEAR.  A young pregnant woman is one of the last survivors, and along with a rag tag group of others lives in a boarded up home trying to decide what to do next, and what comes next.  You can't open your eyes outside, because that's all it takes. One look, and whatever is out there will CHANGE you. It will make you a killer.  (There is some cursing in this book,  just so you are aware)
     I mean, could you imagine not being able to open your eyes for fear of what creatures lurk out there and those said creatures...,well just the sight of them will turn you into a raving lunatic murdering pyscho... Fun right??? ;). I recommend this book to anyone who wants to curl up in a chair,with a blanket, late at night and all alone.  sip a cup of coffee...And wonder what all those creepy noises are.. and probably finish the book in one setting because.. well, you need answers!! And that brings me to my final point ... I didn't get the answers I seeked. I wanted to know what the creatures looked like!! What caused this to occur?? I'm not sure why we left on such a cliff hanger.. but other then that.. it was a great ride!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Dreamer's Pool
By Juliet Marillier

     If I was to describe this book in a few words I would say - "Law and Order -- In Fantasy Land"
But it is so much more and I loved it!! Blackthorn is a woman who has a been imprisoned for a very long time for trying to do the right thing and is awaiting her execution, when one night a Fey being  visits her in prison and offers her a proposition.  He will get her out of there and help her get away if she promises to stay away from that city for 7 years and not seek vengeance for what was done to her. Also, she is a wise woman, and a healer, and as part of the agreement, she will need to live in a specific village and NEVER turn down help from anyone who asks.  She agrees and so begins her journey.  She is accompanied by a man she first met in prison (Grim) and they set up shop in a little village and begin serving those around her.  Before she knows it the King has asked her to assist him in solving a very peculiar thing that has just happened to him.  And others are asking for her assistance as well.  She investigates a missing person case, and begins helping the king on the side. 
Something happened to the king's betrothed on the way to their wedding.  She is not the same woman he imagined she would be based on the correspondence they had leading up to their meeting.  
     A chance swim in the entranced and magic "Dreamer's Pool" on the way to the estate has changed some people in the princess's entourage, but those who know are not saying.  Blackthorn and Grim investigates the lore of the place and a plan is laid out to see who the princess really is.. but what kind of outcome could it have?  I have read several of Juliet Marillier's books and LOVE each and every one! She laces her beautiful and lyrical story writing with Celtic lore and legend and unforgettable characters.  She loves dogs(as do I) and a canine friend plays an unforgettable part in each and every book!! This is the first in a trilogy and I just started the second one, which looks to be just as great, and a very interesting story is unfolding which is so peculiar and interesting and I can't wait to find out what happens! Check out Dreamer's Pool or one of Juliet's other books if you love Celtic folklore and fantasy and I promise you won't be disappointed!! 

Monday, December 14, 2015

The Other Side of Quiet

The Other Side of Quite by Tara C. Allred

Mrs. Child's handed out a journal to her creative writing class that was suppose to be completely private.  A place where they could write their feelings and deepest thoughts and no one would ever see. But when their journals were confiscated because of the murder of a girl in the high school, the trust it took all year to build is destroyed.

Through the journals you glimpse the heartache and the different family situations that each of these ten teenagers are going through and the challenges that they face. Even though they put on a good front to their fellow classmates and teachers, they each had challenges that they were dealing with and trying to overcome.

This was a good read that had me rooting for each of the kids and hoping things would turn out alright.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Be sure to join us....

for the December Book Club tomorrow night!

The Mistborn Trilogy

The Mistborn Trilogy 
By Brandon Sanderson

     This trilogy is a great story! I'm not a big fantasy reader, but I'm so glad I gave this book a shot.  The setting, characters, plot, and really cool magic system held me captive during the entire duration of the story.  One element that I really liked was the author's ability to reveal things slowly, and in a way that made me smile and think, "How did I NOT see this coming?!"
     What initially drew me to this book was the premise of what if the "bad" guys were right?  While that was an important part, the themes of consequence, loyalty, and being true to oneself while making difficult choices were what makes this story so great.
     Lastly, I loved that the trilogy is really just one VERY well planned out tale.  From the beginning to end, and all the pieces of the puzzle reveal themselves and come to rest in place.  The tale is neatly wrapped up in the end, and as I finished it, I thought, " I want to read this again!!" 

Monday, December 7, 2015

A Memory of Violets

A Memory of Violets by Hazel Gaynor

A Memory of Violets tells the story of two young handicapped Flower Sellers from London in 1876. Florie and Rosie are sisters born to impoverished Irish immigrants trying to survive and both are handicapped. Florie has a bum leg that slows her down and Rosie was born blind. They gather wild flowers and watercress, with their mother, to create bouquets to sell to passengers at the railway station. When they are just 8 and 4 years old, Florie must take over as both mother and provider when they lose their mother to Cholera, which leaves them with an abusive father who will beat them if they don't bring home a few tuppence from selling their flowers. More tragedy strikes the sisters when Rosie gets snatched from Flories grasp and is no where to be found.

Fast forward a few years to 1912 when Tillie embarks on a new venture to take on a new position to become a house mother in a home for former flower and watercress selling girls. The home had been created to help the handicapped flower girls of London by giving them a safe place to live and be gainfully employed making intricate silk flowers.

When Tillie arrives, she is putting away her things and discovers a wooden box with an old journal and a few "treasures" that belonged to Florie. Here their stories come together and Tillie is determined to find the sister that Florie spent her life searching for.

This is touching story that creates a vivid picture of the poverty and depravation that so many suffered from during that time in London's history.