Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Bird Box

Bird Box
By Josh Malerman
      I love a good thriller! Who doesn't like being scared and jumping at every little sound ? And I really enjoyed this book! He writes suspense very well. Like those old Hollywood movies. I don't need alot of gore to be scared. The possibilty of what could be there is enough to make you shiver and jump at every noise. 
     Something is causing the world to go crazy, something is causing humanity to kill each other, something is out there and it is causing FEAR.  A young pregnant woman is one of the last survivors, and along with a rag tag group of others lives in a boarded up home trying to decide what to do next, and what comes next.  You can't open your eyes outside, because that's all it takes. One look, and whatever is out there will CHANGE you. It will make you a killer.  (There is some cursing in this book,  just so you are aware)
     I mean, could you imagine not being able to open your eyes for fear of what creatures lurk out there and those said creatures...,well just the sight of them will turn you into a raving lunatic murdering pyscho... Fun right??? ;). I recommend this book to anyone who wants to curl up in a chair,with a blanket, late at night and all alone.  sip a cup of coffee...And wonder what all those creepy noises are.. and probably finish the book in one setting because.. well, you need answers!! And that brings me to my final point ... I didn't get the answers I seeked. I wanted to know what the creatures looked like!! What caused this to occur?? I'm not sure why we left on such a cliff hanger.. but other then that.. it was a great ride!

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