Monday, March 30, 2015

What Alice Forgot

What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty

Alice falls and hits her head at her exercise class and when she wakes up, she has lost the last ten years of her life. She cannot remember the birth of her three children, in fact, does not even recognize them and she is still in love with her husband.

In reality, her children are not little anymore and she is in the middle of a divorce.  Alice tries to figure out how things could have changed so much in the last 10 years and why she has drifted away from those she loved so much. In the meantime, everyone around her knows more about her life than she does and wonders what will happen when all her memories comes back to her.

This was an interesting book that makes one think about their priorities in life and a reminder to not let relationships that are important to you drift away.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

New Book Buzz Book

The state library has added 15 copies of
"Being Mortal: medicine and what matters in the end" by Atul Gawande.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Dreamers and Deceivers

Dreamers and Deceivers by Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck tells the true and relatively unknown stories of some of the people that helped to shape America. You've probably heard of most of the people in this book, but never knew some of the fascinating details and the impact they have had shaping America into what it is today.

How radio came about and who the real genius was behind it. How Dezi Arnaz changed the television industry. Dreamers like Walt Disney and how he created a whole new world of entertainment.

I found this book very interesting with curious facts about household names and products.

Monday, March 16, 2015

The Heist

The Heist by Daniel Silva

Gabriel Allon is is working in Venice on a restoration project and awaiting the birth of twins with his wife, Chiara. While working on the Veronese altar piece, Allon is called (back) into action.

Allon's friend, London art dealer Julian Isherwood, is is being held for the murder of an English diplomat after he finds the body in the victim's Lake Como villa. The murder victim, Jack Bradshaw, has been trafficking stolen works of art from around the globe including the masterpiece, Caravaggio's Nativity.

Local police threaten to pin Bradshaw's murder on Isherwood unless Allon finds the actual killer. It soon becomes clear to Allon that he must find the stolen Caravaggio to lead him to the true murderer and prove Isherwood's innocence.

Allon embarks on a whirlwind adventure of espionage, murder, theft, and political upheaval to find the buyer for the Caravaggio. As Allon peels back the layers of this case, author Daniel Silva introduces an array of British MI6, Israeli Intelligence, and other cloak-and-dagger characters into the ever twisting storyline. And in his quest for the truth, Allon discovers stolen art is being used to hide money for Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad and his regime.

This international thriller takes us on an escapade through Venice, Switzerland, the U.K., France, Germany, Israel, and Austria as Allon stages a heist of his own in order to solve the case of the missing Caravaggio. This novel is not for the reader who likes a simple, predictable plot. The Heist has a meaty plot complete with complex and intertwined storylines. This is not just a whodunit novel about simple murder. Daniel Silva takes us on a journey of espionage involving international banking and the evil motives behind the men who are supporting the market for stolen works of art

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Book Club Night at the Library!

Our Lehi Library Book Club night is tomorrow (March 12th)  at 7:00pm!

We will be reviewing the book "Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore"

Come join us for fun and games whether you have read the book or not!

Monday, March 9, 2015

The Healer's Apprentice

The Healer's Apprentice by Melanie Dickerson

Rose, the oldest daughter of a woodcutter, knows how fortunate she is to be allowed to work as an apprentice to the healer at Hagenheim Castle. Not only does it allow time away from a mother who is not too kind, she is hoping she will be able to escape from the marriage her mother has planned for her to a disgusting merchant.

As the healer's apprentice, she is the one who must attend to Lord Hamlin's wound when he is injured while searching for the evil man who has threatened his betrothed. As Rose attends to his wounds, Lord Hamlin and Rose become friends, but both of them know that they have to keep their growing feelings at bay because they can never be more than friends.

Rupert, Lord Hamlin's younger brother, is known as a rogue and ladies man and has suddenly taken an interest in Rose and she is wondering if maybe he could be the one for her.

This is a quick young adult read. It is gets a little predictable, but is still entertaining.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Utah State Library

The Utah State Library has added four new booksets to their Book Buzz Collection!

Second Suns : two doctors and
 their amazing quest to
restore sight and
save lives by David Oliver Relin

Call the midwife : a memoir of birth, joy,
and hard times by Jennifer Worth



Rocket Boys by Homer H. Hickam, Jr. -

Dark side of the moon : Wernher von Braun, the Third Reich,
 and the space race  by Wernher von Braun




2 titles are on order and will be coming soon:

1 - Still Alice by Lisa Genova

2- Wild : from lost to found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed

The state library has Book Club Bags available through the ILL  (Inter-Library Loan) program. If you would like to check out books from the state library, come to the front desk of the library and they will help you fill out an ILL form and for $10.00 we can request up to 10 copies of the book from the state library. For a list of these titles please check at the front desk or

To Visit the Utah State Library Book Buzz Site... Click Here

To Order Book Buzz Book Club Books... Click Here

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Monday, March 2, 2015


Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson

This story takes place in a post-apocalyptic Chicago where Epics rule without mercy. Approximately 10 years ago, there was a burst in the sky that mysteriously gave some people superhero powers. Unfortunately, these Epics, as they are known, use their powers to control and dominate the ordinary people.

When David lost his father in a battle with one of the most powerful Epics, Steelheart, his whole focus in life turned to finding a way to bring Steelheart down. David has spent his entire life researching and studying the Epics to find their weaknesses to help him achieve his goal. He knows he cannot fight an Epic on his own so he has to find a way to find and join the Reckoners, the only people who seem willing to fight the Epics.